Elder Martin has been assigned to the Burbank 3rd Ward. His companion has been out about 10 months, but he was just transferred to this area.
Elder Martin's email:
His apartment is only 10 miles from Dodger Stadium. Apparently they are having "Mormon Night' on July 1st. They announced it in church, but sadly, they cannot go. He also told us that the mother of the 'ancient' people they had dinner with, kept saying "when my husband died, not long ago" ... her husband died in 1959!?!
Allen asked him how he was doing and if he was a little homesick. His response was 'there is so much work, it's easy to forget about home, I'm too busy to miss it, until I get home and write in my journal, but not homesick at all. It's awesome here.' That's exactly what we wanted to hear. We are so grateful that he is diving in head first. It brings comfort and peace to us to know that he is loving what he's doing and where he is.
"My mission belongs to the Lord. With all my heart I give my energy and my time to the Master because I love him. Therefore, I'm going to look at every day not as mine, but as His. And I will treat each minute of His time with respect and focus and the dedication it deserves. " Elder M. Russell Ballard